I had all three of my wisdom teeth out yesterday. The fourth was nowhere in sight, but the dentist said that it is very common for people to be missing wisdom teeth. It's a part of evolution he said - our diets change and we don't consume as much leaves and nuts as last time (pfft please I'm such a meat-eater), making the existence of those teeth redundant.
How I wish I was missing all four of them. -_-
My mom decided to let me go for surgery where I'd be put to sleep for the process so I didn't have to endure the multiple jabs of anesthesia and being conscious while people poked sharp instruments into my tender mouth.
It was just as well, in a way. When I went to do the dental surgeon, he told me mom that I had to pull all three teeth, instead of the two I was originally supposed to extract. So now I have 3 gaping wounds (well, not really gaping since they have all been stitched up) that ache like I've been punched in the jaw many times by a WWE fighter with brass knuckles.
Honestly, it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Either my pain tolerance is high, or I got lucky, or people have been exaggerating to terrify the shit out of me. I'm pretty good with needles, so I didn't freak out when they injected the drug into the back of my hand to put me to sleep. (He said it wasn't GA, something to the same effect but much less dangerous - it would put me in an extremely drunken state whereby I wouldn't remember much, instead of making me lose consciousness altogether.)
True enough, one second the nurse was inserting the needle into my vein and the doctor was chatting about my studies, the next second I was blinking, the room swaying before me and at least 3 tools in my mouth.
I drifted in and out of consciousness and my sense of time was greatly warped. I had opened and shut my eyes a few times (I lost count) and suddenly it was all over. That was one hour later. I stumbled out into the waiting area, feeling like I had a shot of vodka too many. My mom paid and I left the clinic in a haze.
I felt almost fine by the time I reached home. Other than a slight balancing problem, there was only a dull ache in my jaw to contend with.
I took a nap with a towel on my pillow and woke up with the towel covered in blood. I went to the toilet and was shocked and fascinated to find a dry stream of blood running down the left corner of my mouth to my chin where it met the poor towel on my pillow and pooled there. I grimaced and saw dried blood in between my teeth. No amount of rinsing could get it out so I went to my mom's room to get the floss, feeling like some sort of cannibal.
I had no trouble slurping pork porridge into my injured maw that night.
I went to sleep without taking any painkillers, a decision I kind of regretted, since I kept waking up every three hours or so, taking another hour to fall back to sleep. Although I wasn't exactly in pain, maybe the pain killers could have lessened the aching in my jaw and let me have a peaceful night's sleep.
Anyway. I had chicken balls this morning (balls made of chicken, not balls of a chicken *winks at Megan*) so I think I'm doing pretty well. I'll have my stitches removed next week so if nothing bad happens (stitches accidentally ripped out, infection etc) I can probably continue enjoying my holiday ^__^
I'm going back to the dentist later to have my wounds checked and I'll try to get a copy of my xrays just to show y'all how fucked up my teeth really were. They also gave me back my teeth (they didn't even clean it, just wrapped it in some green paper with all the flesh and blood still attached) which I've since cleaned (to the best of my ability, there still seems to be some tissue stuck, and by tissue I don't mean Kleenex) and I'll post it up here to gross everyone out.
That's all for now ^__^ I just really wanted to talk about my surgery so I'll stop babbling about my aches on pains on Facebook and Twitter where everyone's already really fed up of me.
Time for lunch. Some mee sua with chicken balls, seasoned with fresh O+ blood. Awwwwww yea.