Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Looks like we're the only ones who haven't...

Ohmygawd D: Bahahaha.

I like what I do, I do what I like!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tips for girl gamers

So, you're a female gamer/female who wants to start gaming?

Firstly, you must know that one big obstacle that you must overcome to enjoy playing your game to the fullest: male chauvinism.

Maybe it may not bother you as much as it does me, but here are some tips to avoid being singled out to be teased and slandered and insulted: "Aiya girl la, no wonder so noob. Nvm give chance la hohoho."

1. Change your username

If you don't like to draw attention to the fact that you're a female, don't create a girly username. Simple as that. If people see something like 'kawaiixxgurlz' then you're digging your own grave. There are some guys who are horny, desperate and alone. A username like that is like trash to a housefly; inevitably, they will be all over you in a second. "Oo lenglui can I have your number?" And if you refuse to entertain them then lose to them, be prepared to be called all sorts of sexist slurs.

2. Get rid of the 'I'm a girl! I'm a girl!' aura

Typing things like <3 and ^^ regularly will give you away as a joke, I've tried it before. *sarcasm* So if you're trying to keep a low profile, steer away from typically female typing conventions. Also, if you're playing a game that uses a mic regularly such as L4D2 or even DotA, DON'T. USE. IT.

Once a guy hears a girl's voice, two things are likely to happen. The first is not so bad: hearing your sweet, vulnerable voice may push his protective hormones into overdrive and they spend the whole bloody game trying to babysit you...which can be nice at times, but will be bad for your skills in the long run cause you'll come to expect to have your back fully covered at all times, and hence, never improve.

Also, after the game, they will probably try and get your number/facebook (if they haven't already.) For girls looking for a boyfriend, sure, that guy may be your match made in heaven. However, I already have a boyfriend so that's worth nothing to me.

The second consequence is considerably worse. The more blatantly sexist ones will start harassing you for being a girl gamer and calling you a noob just to piss you off and they WILL point every single bloody mistake you make.

If you STILL treat them nicely after all that assholish behaviour, they might let up a bit but still be insufferably condescending. If you take the nasty route and tell them to STFU, they'll go berzerk and call you a noobfuck bitchslut...and also throw the ultimate insult in your face: 'go back and play AI la!' Whether you're skilled or not, this doesn't matter. They'll just wait for the tiniest slip-up that you make and use it to taunt you for the rest of your gaming life.

Oh, and there's another possible consequence of squealing into the mic: they mistake you for an 8-year-old boy. I've learned from experience that caucasians in particular are prone to hating on little boys playing 'big boys' games.' Oh well. Told ya to type, it's your funeral now.

3. Practice, practice, practice

If you ever want guys to treat you seriously as a gamer, BE serious about it. Train and level up your skillzz. I used to complain and rant and rage about guys often treating me like a total bimbo and noob, now I figured out that it's probably because I acted like one. Now I don't take games as seriously anymore, so I don't really find it a sore point when guys chuckle at my mistakes. However, if you want respect as a gamer, you have to earn it. I know it's annoying when people call you a noob JUST because you're a girl, but those people are idiots (the species which has the biggest population on earth,) so just ignore them as much as you can. But if you REALLY are a noob and people call you a noob, you can't say you don't deserve the title. Just chill out and train up! Don't make excuses.

4. "Go easy on me, I'm a girl..."

Psh. If you say this then YOU set yourself up for unfair treatment. Sure it's sweet when you finally beat them and say "HAHA you lost to a girl teehee ;p" but don't throw a fit when guys make sexist remarks cause you do it to yourself too.

5. Be a gracious loser

If you lose, don't blame guys for bullying you. Sure, it may be horribly discouraging at first. Yes, maybe some of them set out to humiliate you from the get-go, but take that as a learning opportunity and use it as motivation to improve yourself. If you cry and whine about it, it doesn't benefit you. If you strive harder to improve, maybe one day you can be pro enough to kick those sexists bastards' asses and inhale the unmistakable smell of sweet revenge. (FYI it smells like rage, tears and toasted ego.)


That said, while I think that girls always deserve a basic level of respect from guys when it comes to being a female gamer,  if we want to be respected as a GOOD player, we have to earn it.

I've been gaming online for 5 years now and I've seen my fair share of horribly ignorant and sexist guys. I've been put down, ridiculed and have been called a whore when I refused to give a guy my number. It happens. Shit happens, natural disasters happens, sexism happens. However, that shouldn't discourage you from gaming.

The key is to match your expectations with your level of dedication to the game. If you're a noob, so be it. Don't get angry when people tease you about it. If you want to be a pro, work hard and earn the title. People can tease you for being ugly or flat-chested or just having a vagina, but they can't deny skill. (Well, they can but others will be immediately informed of their blatant sexism.)

You may say 'OH but you don't follow your own rules, Steph!' and that is true, because I don't expect to be treated like a serious gamer...because I'm not. My username is snowbunnie (which is about as female as it gets) and I sometimes scream into the mic when I get strangled by a smoker in L4D2. Guys tease me about it. "Oh your voice is cute" and "oh it's a girl, go easy" and "go make me a sammich bitch."

But I don't mind anymore because realistically, I don't take games seriously, so why should guys take me seriously as a gamer? Okay, the 'get your ass to the kitchen and make me a sammich' comment was purely sexist and uncalled for, but otherwise, woman up and pay your dues! (Also, it's SANDWICH, ugh. Why do people deliberately misspell things? And seriously, could they be less original?)

If you can't take the sexism, get out. Get out of the gaming world now, because there's gonna be lots of it. Don't say you weren't warned. The best way to defeat sexism is to pawn the hell out of those bitchezzz.

I got ganged up against once in Blitzone by a team of guys who were calling me out on being a noob girl (har har so original) and they went up against me 3v1 in CS and I beat them flawlessly. 4 rounds and they left. 12-0. You can't argue with that score in a cyber cafe (no h4x!) I'm not saying that I'm pro, I'm just pointing out that often, the naysayers are noobs themselves trying to pick on an easy target. Don't let them take control of your emotions and make you a victim. Show them that you're better than them and they'll STFU and go away ;)

<3 bunnie

Monday, March 28, 2011


*emotional sob story erased*

That's not an obstacle. That's not even a blip on my radar. That's not going to stop me. I'm going turn out the way I plan to be.

You'll see.

Take all your doubts and the words of naysayers and put it in a little box. Tuck it into the very back of your mind where they'll never see the light of day again.

There will always be problems in life, but we're built to be stronger than the problem. We overcome, we learn, we continue to survive.

Some days you'll feel hopeless and that you've lost direction. Life throws a thousand curveballs your way all at once and you fall, but brush the dust off your ass and move on.

I've encountered lot of things in my short life. While they're not the most serious of matters, many of them have been heartbreaking, spirit-crushing and many of them have taken away my faith in life.

But what matters is that I know that I AM stronger than that. Everyone is. It's whether they can find it in themselves to believe that they have the strength to overcome their problems.

People focus too much on the problems and don't even bother trying to solve it. Perhaps there are matters we can't solve. A loved one is dying and you can't save him. But mourn and move on.

People die. It sounds harsh but if there is no death, what is life?

Some people find themselves unable to continue because they doubt their abilities or find themselves full of self-hate.

I've been there, done that. I don't want to fall into the same trap again.

Granted, sometimes you need a hand to pull you out of your depressed funk. Sometimes, you won't get a shoulder to cry on, but that's alright. Your heart repairs itself. Movies and books and bands over-dramatize a broken heart and spirit.

You don't need anyone to help you out. You are all that you need. Sure, it may be easier or more comforting to have a guardian angel who saves you from drowning in a pool of deep shit. Realistically, however, you probably have only yourself to rely on - because who knows yourself better than you?

So when you encounter a seemingly impossible deadline or are faced with a brick wall of negativity and depression, just imagine yourself putting it aside and actively try to overcome the problem.

You'll find that you somehow have the strength within to go on and once you've solved the problem, you'll wonder what was holding you back in the first place.

Just try it. If you don't try it, you'll never know. And that's how you've been living your life all along, going nowhere.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Coffee black and egg white

Hm. Nothing much to say lately. I've just been on a pokemon-dota-cs-dota-cs-pokemon-maybel4d2later spree.

The last couple weeks of absence from blogging was filled with work. Yes, WORK. One good thing that happened when Tata and Junki finally got together was that I get to spend all my uni time in the presence of a super hard-working and organized person. If you knew me well enough, you'd know that the behaviour and mannerisms of people around influence me very easily.

Not in a life-changing way, like trying drugs or something. But say someone is really talkative and likes gossiping, then I will follow suit. In this case, Junki is someone who has his head screwed on right and has his priorities straight, so I feel motivated to get my ass in line and start working hard too.

I guess I'm no longer afraid of the tablet. Last time, it used to signify all that I couldn't do, but now...once I start familiarizing myself with it, it's not really that intimidating at all.

I can do ANYTHING!

Maybe not now, but definitely in time. I guess I lost faith in my own potential for a while...I may not be the best artist or gamer or girlfriend or anything, but I jolly well COULD be. Not trying = failure.

A couple of weeks ago, I sat down in the uni lab - in public - and started painting. It seemed impossible at first, the interface and controls were so daunting initially that I just sat there and stared at the screen and just procrastinated as much as I could.

But when I finally was complete immersion. One grey blob started to grow eyes...mouth..a nose...and before I knew it, I was flicking my pen gently on the tablet, adding eyelashes to the face of my very first digital painting.

And it was cute. It certainly didn't look 100% like the reference picture...but close enough.

After a while I realized that drawing from reference is not creation at all. It's merely following a set of procedures.

Block out the face. Block out the features. Line the features. Shade the features. Polish up.

And ta-da! 'Art.' Haha.

Anyway...lately I've been starting to have this weird feeling that I don't like people in general. That's weird. I mean, how can you NOT like people, right? You ARE a person.

But every day something happens that makes me lose faith in mankind just a little bit more. It's like, THIS is our future? Our world being run by absolutely shallow, selfish morons with a linear perspective of the world?

I don't mean to make myself sound like the deepest, most intellectual person on earth, because I'm far from it...but come on. Seeing the stupid things people say on facebook and ridiculous arguments on garena are already enough to make me think that the next generation is doomed to fail.

The moment someone even shows the potential of succeeding, someone has to come along and try to pull them down, out of either insecurity or jealousy. Not that fair criticism is a problem, but if someone has to think long and hard just to find the SLIGHTEST error in your ways and then use it to attack you is just an act of pure malice.

Imagine someone putting their head on the chopping block for the sake of self-improvement and there you go and poke their eyes out with toothpicks. Bah. That didn't even make sense but that's what I feel.

Also, there are some people on garena who love to scold people for no good reason.


Hello. We're playing CS, you know you can leave any time you want right? And if you're so fucking superior, why don't YOU try and host and see how it feels to have someone rip a new hole in your ass for nothing?

Host dog, host noob, host no lanjiao...because YOU'RE lagging? Please la, learn some manners and have some respect for the people who do you a favour.

YES they are doing you a favour because if they don't host, you can't play. Period. If you COULD host, you would be hosting if lagging hosts piss you off so much. Either way, the host can't do shit to help your retarded tmnet line, so the only favour you can do for everyone including yourself is to STFU and play.

Fucking ah bengs.

Also, there are a whole bunch of uncivilized male gamers out there who find it acceptable to objectify female gamers and treat them like a novelty instead of serious gamers.

Honestly, I'm neither super proud nor intimidated to be a female gamer. Gamers are gamers, doesn't really matter whether you are a guy or a girl. There's no physical exertion involved, so guys don't naturally have the upper hand. It's just that guys tend to take games more seriously than girls do, generally speaking.

So maybe it's less likely to find girls playing DotA or CS or any common game out there, but we DO play them and we deserve some respect like the respect you afford your fellow male gamers.

I hate the way guys assume that we play games to find guys to date. AS IF we can't get guys anywhere else. And coming from a girl who met her boyfriend through CS, the fact still stands.

I didn't play games to meet guys or look for hookups. I play because I enjoy playing. Don't treat me like a whore and talk about me being horny or fucking around or anything that even vaguely represents sexual harassment.

Some guys do it to my face, some behind my back. Some are joking, but that doesn't make it okay. I'm a girl, not a THING.

A simple guideline to follow: If it's not something you want being said about your mother or sister by a stranger, don't say it about other girls.

If you're my friend and want to joke about these things with me, sure. I can be just as crude as any guy can be, but I'd appreciate it if it were kept between us only.

Also, it's not nice to know that guys can talk like this about girls and people are like 'ah, they're just being guys...' whereas when girls talk like that we're bitches or uneducated tomboys.

There was a guy irritating me on garena. He added me on facebook when he didn't even KNOW who I was. So, I was on garena and talking to him to find out whether he knew me or not. However, he kept acting like I was beneath him and he was just being a bloody snob in general.

Then someone said I was a girl and he was like really? Yea right, as if there are girls who play CS.

That was just too much. Horny guys who add random girls on facebook and THEN try to deny their existence? HO!  *puffs up in indignance*

So I told him yea, if you don't know someone, don't fucking add them on facebook and then act like you're too good for me when I know you're just a desperate, lonely guy who has nothing better to do.


OHHHHHH so only guys can swear la is it? Only guys know about sex is it? Only guys can curse people is it?

You all are fucking retarded.

Bloody ah bengs should come out of their little hole and taste real life.

Perhaps we keep our profanities in check most of the time, but to say that we NEVER swear or we don't know ANYTHING about human anatomy is like saying girls don't fart.

You know what? WE DO. So stop acting like a complete dick cause you sound just as ignorant as stupid as those who think girls are all pretty and smell like roses.


Yes, PMS now if you're wondering.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Just realised my skin is clear enough to look good without photoshopping. (Though I haven't shopped a pic of mine since I was 15.)

It's still a bit dry but overall YAY! I've officially passed the horrible teenage-y hormonal and pimply stage. Actually, I've stopped having pimples (besides PMS pimples) for a few years now, but the scars took a long time to recover. There's still a little but pretty much negligible unless the weather is really hot.

Also, the top layer of my hair has FINALLY grown well past my shoulders and no longer sticks out in random directions. Another yay! I was devastated almost 2 years ago when a haircut went horribly wrong and my hair got layered up to almost eye level. -__- Needless to say, I never returned to that hairdresser and I now trust my mom completely to see to my hair's every need. <3

Why do I still care about how I look? Are you kidding me? Everyone cares about how they look to some degree. Though I have never been hysterical or suicidal over my face and body, I suddenly feel glad when I recall my young teenage self and how different I look now. So much has changed, and for the better, I believe.

Some people ask me, why do I even have to bother about my appearance now that I have a boyfriend? Silly question, if you ask me. Your appearance and self-esteem is not measured by how attractive you are to others, it's about whether you're satisfied with yourself.

I don't know which is worse, girls feeling pressured to change because they feel a need to impress boys, or boys who assume that every time a girl aims to change her appearance, it's solely for their pleasure.

She's not necessarily losing weight to impress you. She's not growing her hair out and learning to put makeup and dress well for you. Don't say 'I think you're beautiful, you don't have to change for me' every time she complains about her appearance and THEN appear all baffled at the notion that she may be changing to meet her OWN expectations, not yours.

I mean, it's still a sweet thing to say, of course. :) I know you want to make us feel better about ourselves, but I just felt slightly bemused when my friend was complaining that she was getting chubby and her boyfriend went, "Well, I think you're perfectly fine, you don't have to change!"

It's an innocent comment and all, but she was like "but I think I'M getting fat" and looked at him like 'dude, what's it got to do with YOU?'

I chuckled and told him that contrary to popular belief, we don't live to please the male persuasion. He just looked utterly confused and sat there trying to digest this new fact.

Thank you guys for all the positive comments. Maybe not only guys, but friends and family too.

It's true, we do have this image in our head that we'd like to achieve. And no, it's not always ridiculously unachievable. I'm skinny and I'm not expecting to grow DD boobs overnight (not that I'd want to, that's HUGE. For me, anyway.) Girls can have single eyelids and NOT be praying to miraculously wake up with perfect double lids the next morning.

We set certain goals, and we try to reach them. We don't wish to be Angelina Jolie or Adriana Lima, but what's the harm in a girl taping her eyelids, or putting on makeup, or trying to put on/lose some weight if it makes her feel better about herself?

Most importantly, people must feel good about themselves. Having a healthy goal is always good. It's something to motivate us through daily life and the feeling of accomplishment when we succeed is always a sweet reward.

It's not about what YOU think is good enough for the person in question - it's the standard that THEY set for themselves that truly matters.

That said, be realistic, but don't be afraid to dream. This does not only apply to appearances, but also to careers, relationships and other things. Having a goal in life will keep you moving and give you something to live for when all else fails.

^___^ What am I ranting about? That's too dramatic. Life is perfect if there's nothing unachievable that you so foolishly desire.

Good night.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I walked RIGHT into that


New year, new classes

A friend of the enemy is no true friend of mine. Pals maybe, but when there is no trust, how can we be friends?

It's 24 degrees celcius outside and I feel hot in my room. -___- I've just finished the first week of my second year at uni and I've met all my new lecturers...and I like them a lot.

Digital Painting, Lighting and Printing

Taught by a guy in his late 20s, Australian-born with Singaporean parents. He was never formally educated in art, but he taught himself because he loved it and wasn't really interested in IT like his parents wanted him to be...and look where he is now. You can only see thumbnails for now, but trust me, his work is great. And to think that was from only 6 years of self-tutoring, it really gives me hope that one day I can be as good as my peers despite my late start.

One piece of advice I liked? If a designer talks big but is reluctant to show you his work, take those words with a big pinch of salt, because it's likely to be just that - words.

Our assignment: Create and paint a post-apocalyptic scene and character

Design for Interactive Media 1

Taught by the second year coordinator. I like him. He seems confident and expects the best of us without putting to much pressure. He reminds me of my parents who don't ask for straight As, but ask for and expect the best effort from us. Oh yea, and he just got his PhD (in some game environment thingie) so he's a Doctor now!

One piece of advice I liked? Second year is not like first year. You may have improved dramatically when you transitioned from high school to first year, but you're not going to improve as much this year. Don't get me wrong, you will still improve, but more subtly. Don't let this discourage you. Keep going and you will never slide back down the hill again in terms of skill and ability.

Our assignment: Create a web-browser/facebook-based game using Unity 3D.

Sound Design

Taught by a slightly wacky but fun guy who talks way too loud. He actually gave me a migraine that first class when I made the mistake of coming late and having to sit next to him and his booming voice for 3 hours. He rants, but he's meticulous in his work. He seems to know what he's doing and loves what he's doing. Also, he has his own sound gallery with 18,000+ sounds that he personally collected over the years. ^__^ It's free to use and people based in Australia can download 50 free sounds per day - sadly for people from other countries, it's 1 free sound per day. :p

One piece of advice I liked? If you're going to make a mistake, be proud of it! Make a fantastic mistake and don't regret it. Stand up, wave your hands around and shout that you made a mistake - if you're going to do it, do it loud and do it proud.

Our assignment: To create a design document and create a sound-scape using sounds we collect and FMOD.

Media Cultures 2

The first class was delayed until next week, but I assume that the lecturer would be same as Media Cultures 1.

Our assignment: Last year's students had to create a physical game, meaning no computers or screens or technology involved. We made a board game last year, Tata and I, and we scored 46/50 :) However, I have a feeling a physical game will be harder. Games like tag, maybe? Pepsi-Cola? Statue dance? What?

All in all, this year is looking up. The classes actually match the title, unlike last year which was so misleading. I'm enjoying myself a little. I even don't mind watching 2 of my friends - a new couple carry out extreme PDA in front of me while I awkwardly play with my food.

Remind me to not go to the beach alone with a new couple. Expect extreme kissing, hugging, rolling around in the sand, picking her up and carrying her around....O____O But I like both of them, so it's not as disgusting as I expected. Imagine if my friend went out with a horrible guy or girl and started being lovey-dovey in front of me...BLEARGH!

And I guess I don't really mind cause I know how they feel. Being apart for 4 months right after kick-starting a's not the easiest thing in a world. And the relief that comes with being back together again is unspeakable.

:) Gonna cook some maggi and head out for grocery shopping. Smell ya later!