Portfolio: here
Facebook: here
Msn: stephanieyeongshanwen@hotmail.com
Skype: choco_xd
Twitter: chocosnowbunnie
Garena: Current main account: Stephaniee; Alternatives: Chocolate_XD or snowbunnie
Steam: snowbunnification
Battletag: snowbunnie#6488
1st Blog: boredomiscruel
(on Friendster, aged 14-15; moved content to Blogger on 24th September 2011 after Friendster removed all blog content off their servers. Read here before proceeding!)
2nd Blog: Snarkie
(on Blogger, aged 15-19)
In any case, please leave me a message somehow when you add me. I don't mind meeting new people, but I don't generally add strangers without knowing where they came from...unless you have a really interesting name or picture and I'm dying of curiosity. :D