Monday, June 25, 2012

Updates and hamsup uncles

Hello! I'm bored today and I've resolved not to take afternoon naps anymore because they lead to super late-night gaming (5am+) and then I'm even more fatigued the next day =__= So I will blog to stay awake instead. :D

I'm very proud to announce that I've cleaned out my wardrobe for the first time in my life! Now my closet doors can actually close (and lots of underprivileged kids will get some clothes too!)

Yea, all those are the clothes I'm giving away/throwing out. Damn a lot right? No wonder I have 5 singlets to a hangar. There's clothes from when I was like 5 years old in those piles too :/ Still in good condition! I expected moth holes and discolouration but only the white clothes really suffered through the years collecting dust in my closet.

Anyway, that's one thing off my checklist from the previous post which is as follows in case you don't remember (of course you don't remember >_> who are you, my stalker?

1. Clean my wardrobe, donate unwanted clothes to charity

2. Clean downstairs shelves and re-home the poor books lying on my floor collecting dust
It's so hot every day I just can't be bothered to go downstairs and organize shelves (and marinate myself in dust)

3. Learn to speak like a gentle woman (I'm still loudspeaker-loud when I get excited, sigh)
I still screech when I get overexcited. My poor bf can attest to that, yesterday I all but screamed in his ear when he was going to die in Diablo cause he was standing in a pool of lava...he died anyway so my screaming was useless :(

4. Learn to drive
I was very excited to learn to drive with Megan but after I did some research I got so freaked out by all the bad reviews for pretty much every center nearby I was totally put off x__x Some people say certain instructors will constantly ffk, say car break down la, ask for more money la, delay your L license, refuse to give license until you bribe them etc etc. And the problem is you have no idea whether the instructor you get will be a nice and honest person or not!

Wtf is this man? I pay money then I should have a straightforward experience right? Give you money, you give me license gao dim! But unfortunately, that apparently does not happen around these parts. Sorry Megan! D:

5. Practice drawing
I got software from Helena and that's about it :/ I haven't even installed it yet but I will do so right after I finish this post!

So what have I been doing all this time?
Playing Diablo 3.

I hate to enforce the 'girls can't play games' stereotype so I've been trying my best to not do stupid things. Eh, when I played with my bf and his friends/brother I always end up soloing the bosses cause I'm a survivor ok! They all mati katak cause kena whack and I'm still running around beating the shit out of the boss! Wo hen qiang ni zhi dao ma?! But that's only in Hell difficulty...not doing so well in Inferno atm because I normally play with the bf only and neither of us can tank :(

***Diablo 3 jargon starts here***

Anyway, I need lots of gold now cause repair costs have increased so I've found this nifty little farming spot that earns me around 100k/30mins with 195% gold find. It's not the best, but it's what I can manage so far with my so-so equipment.

So basically you start your quest at Act 1, Chapter 2.1 - Find the hidden cellar.
For the first time you TP to the waypoint (the only one on the list) and head northwest and exit the gates. Keep going a short distance and 70% of the time, the Dank Cellar will spawn. In Dank Cellar there is a 100% chance that Sarkoth will spawn. Just nuke the shit out of him, collect money, TP home and leave (saves 5 seconds) and restart game at the same point. Now you will spawn at the checkpoint right at the gates so it's even nearer for you to go and check if Dank Cellar spawned in the map. Rinse and repeat for $$$!

Skills I use for farming this area:

Primary: Firebomb, Ghost Bomb rune for AoE attack
Secondary: Zombie Charger, Zombie Bears rune (I use elective mode to assign it to this slot)
1st Skill: Spirit Walk, Jaunt rune to extend walking time to 3 seconds
2nd Skill: Fetish Army, Fetish Ambush rune that has AoE damage when fetishes are summoned
3rd Skill: Soul Harvest, Siphon rune to suck intelligence and regain hp for emergencies (you will be very fragile once you replace all your items will gold find items)
4th Skill: Gargantuan, Restless Giant rune to send your pet into Berserk mode (the point is to dispatch the opponent as quickly as possible for efficiency.)
So basically, you Spirit Walk from the checkpoint to the Dank Cellar. If the Cellar is open:

1. Enter the Cellar
2. Summon Gargantuan
3. Approach Sarkoth and his minions
4. Soul Harvest while standing in the middle of them to +dmg
5. Fetish Army immediately after
6. Spam the shit out of your Zombie Charger Bears until you run out of mana
7. Continue hitting with your Firebomb until the whole pack is dead
8. ??? Profit! $$$

You should kill them in under 5 seconds if Sarkoth doesn't try to escape...if not you're doing something wrong :/

As you can see, the process is fairly quick, so speed is the key to earning more gold. Don't stop to open barrels, don't stop to kill zombies outside the cellar...just check if it's open and go straight in to kill Sarkoth. If the cellar doesn't spawn, TP back to base to leave game and try again.

Anyway, just to be clear, this farming method is far from the best and is only for people who don't have friends to form a party with and whose class/equipment is not good enough to solo farm in places with stronger bosses (and better loot). Sarkoth is fairly harmless, so don't worry about incurring repair costs.

So yes, have fun!

***Diablo 3 geekery ends here***

Overall, I'm having fun chilling out and enjoying my very laidback holiday ^__^

Megan told me that Etude House brought in some lovely matte nail polish so I went to check it out with the bf. He chose a pretty lavender for me and the salesgirls reaffirmed that it's the best colour among the matte range so I purchased it for only RM7! Hah, bf has good taste :p Normal price is RM10, but there was a 30% discount when I visited, so it's even more worth it!

Nice right! :D

Anyway, one thing I noticed about a group Malaysian men is that they are fucking hamsup and rude! Whenever I go to places like Lowyat confirm some guys will do something creepy. That day when I went to buy my pc, 1 guy totally pissed me off. I didn't see him but my bf who was standing behind me did. I was checking out stuff when this middle-eastern man walked up behind me and clucked his tongue, indicating his disapproval at my supposedly skimpy attire, but CONTINUED TO STAND THERE AND STARE AT MY ASS.

EH uncle, as I've said before, you either approve and ogle like the pervert you are, or disapprove and walk away. Don't act so self-righteous and pretend to disapprove of my dressing then proceed to absorb the full glory of my ass and legs ok? In any case, I was wearing a collared polo shirt and loose-fitting shorts that fully covered both ass cheeks; you call that indecent? Go and cover your eyes and tell your daughters to not be obscene like me lor.

I won't apologize for wearing shorts in this sweltering heat. You must be kidding me if you expect me to repent for my 'provocative' dressing. My mom's friends told me to 'wear longer pants, nowadays men like to rape young women like you'. Well, how about men start taking control and responsibility of their own sexual desires and refrain from raping people, instead of telling us that we should 'cover up' so we don't incite lust in men?

And don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting people to completely NOT look at women at all; I just hope that people can learn to be discreet if they feel like they HAVE to stare.

That day I was in Sunway Pyramid wearing a skirt, sitting down a bench, crossed-legged, my thighs fully covered by my laptop bag...and guess what? PEOPLE STILL TRIED TO PEEK AT MY PANTIES. For the record, NO my panties were not showing - I was a little freaked out, so I asked the bf to check for me. Nope, no crotch shots here.

Men with their spouses/girlfriends and even fathers with their daughters tilted their heads as they walked past, hoping to catch a glimpse of an elusive female crotch. TOTALLY NOT DISCREET AT ALL. I don't know whether to roll my eyes in irritation or pity them for being so desperate.

^The clothes I happen to be wearing today: The shirt I was wearing during the Lowyat incidents (only that was in pink), and the skirt during the Sunway incident. I think you can agree they aren't even remotely 'indecent' - please, I don't even have any boobage to show lol

And if you're thinking right now that it's my fault for 'wearing a skirt', then fuck you. YOU are part of the problem. You can buy in to the victim-blaming and slut-shaming culture, or embrace the fact that we have a right to wear decent clothes without being harassed or creeped upon.

Guys, start learning to respect women; take responsibility for your urge to ogle and do it discreetly so you don't make the hairs on the backs of our neck stand, or just avert your eyes. Girls, stop blaming yourselves and letting others blame you if you are sexually harassed - no one forces a rapist to rape, no one forces a murderer to commit murder. If that logic works, then I am completely justified if I decide to stab all these creeps in the eyes...because they annoy the shit out of me and thus PROVOKED me to do it. And then, people would say YES, they DESERVED to be blinded because they don't know how to stare discreetly. /eyeroll

BLAHHH. This was supposed to be a happy, up-beat post and now I'm all worked up about these people! Grrr!

And look! I found a picture that shows exactly what I'm talking about!

It came from this blog post, which said that when the uncle noticed the girl falling asleep and exposing some cleavage, he deliberately turned around to get a comfortable position and stared blatantly at her boobs for an extended period of time. WTF MAN! Yes, I love me some cleavage as well, but you DO NOT stare so openly for such a long time. It makes people uncomfortable and is just PLAIN RUDE and disrespectful.

This reminds me of the other incident at Lowyat where my bf and I were headed to the escalator going down. It was very crowded as usual. As we walked towards the escalator, a guy standing in front of a couple in front of me turned around and saw me. He suddenly stopped RIGHT before he got on the escalator, causing a bit of a human traffic jam and he pushed his way past the couple in front of me. I thought he saw a friend and was trying to get off at the last minute, but when the couple got on the escalator, HE GOT ON THE ESCALATOR AGAIN.

He was now standing directly in front of my bf, who was standing on my right. This was fishy in itself, and then I caught him turning around to peek at my legs. He repeated a few more times before we reached the end of the escalator, and then he let me and my bf walk past him. I had a hunch, and when I turned around, sure enough, HE WAS STARING AT MY ASS.
What the fucking fuck. I don't know whether to strangle or salute this man. Perverts are normally opportunists who ogle when they can, but this person actually CREATED his own opportunity to carry out his creepy staring. 

And I know this doesn't happen only to me, a few of my friends have experienced the same thing. A friend told me that cars stopped and wound down their window just to holler at her on the street. She was wearing a skirt that reached to her KNEES. No cleavage on display, no huge amount of bare leg, and they STILL did it. Still want to blame the women? Perverts will be perverts and creeps will be creeps, no matter how you dress, walk or present yourself.

So yes, I hate that this only happens when I'm in Malaysia. In Melbourne, I've seen girls walk down in practically nothing but their bra and hot pants and you won't see people look longer than a brief glance, (though sometimes repeatedly, admittedly). I've never seen anyone so disrespectful as to stare so blatantly and occasionally yell out inappropriate things to women. Culture difference I guess? -___-?
Anyway I think I've ranted enough about hamsup men and their perverted activities. Here's a pic of me (I went to take a pic of my clothes today and thought I may as well camwhore more since I feel rather pretty today! Hahaha :D)

Anyway, I'm going to Singapore this Thursday night and will be visiting the Harry Potter exhibition! So excited, cause it was sold out in Sydney when I was there and now I have the opportunity to catch it again. :D Summore now it's only SGD21, whereas it was AUD33 in Sydney. IT WAS FATED I TELL YOU!

Furthermore, now my bf can come with me and my mom as well! Heh, I've decided to subscribe The Secret's method of positive thinking lately, since some of my favourite girly bloggers like Xiaxue, Cheesie and Qiuqiu swear by it and it can't do any harm :) So now any disappointments or pitfalls are considered as rest stops on the way to awesomeness!

Okay, I'm going to stop now cause I want to resume my download of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on Steam. I considered buying it the last time Steam had a sale and it was about $50 or something, but I didn't have the quota to buy it then (I was in Melbourne where internet quota is limited) so I decided to wait. Last week it went on sale for only $7.50!

*___*! It was meant to be!

Also, that reminds me about when I was sulking about my mom refusing to upgrade to Unifi because it was too expensive. (The cheapest package is a 5MB line that costs RM149/month.) Anyway, I decided to live with it and be thankful that I at least I have unlimited internet, and that when my mom starts streaming YouTube and making my line hang, it means it's time for me to take a rest from my marathon gaming sessions.

Then almost right after that, we discovered Maxis Home which was offering a 10MB package for only RM118/month! Special offer! So my mom immediately signed up and said 'see? Aren't you glad now that I refused to sign up for Unifi?' I stuck out my tongue at her but I was secretly thrilled to get a line with double the speed for less!

The guy who serviced us at the Maxis centre told us in a conspiratorial whisper that the fibre optic cable they're using is actually exactly the same as Unifi's! So the speed and stability should be exactly the same :)

Anyway, I ended up talking a lot again after promising to stop, so as an apology, I present to you pictures of my cute dogs (and me! :P)

First time trying photo editing software on my bf's new phone and liked the result :p 

Ok, time to farm some more gold. Bye!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Winter break!

So, it's been exactly 2 weeks since I touched down on Malaysian soil. Time flies...1/3 of my winter break is already gone :(

2 weeks and I haven't done anything productive...all I've been doing is play Diablo 3 and snuggle with le bf. My 2012 winter holiday resolutions:

1. Clean my wardrobe, donate unwanted clothes to charity
2. Clean downstairs shelves and re-home the poor books lying on my floor collecting dust
3. Learn to speak like a gentle woman (I'm still loudspeaker-loud when I get excited, sigh)
4. Learn to drive
5. Practice drawing

How many of those have I done?


This happens every single holiday, but somehow I still hope for things (me) to change and actually DO something useful during my sem breaks.


Anyway, I celebrated my 21st birthday party on the 2nd of June. I had a really good time, though I started out the day with 0 celebratory mood at all. I'm still really nervous about entertaining large groups of people, and feel apprehensive whenever I go out to meet friends. Logically, I shouldn't feel like this, but I DO and I don't really know why!

When I was about 15 or so, I always felt like I was the shit and all my friends loved me; I felt that I was the life of the party and while that may not actually be true, the important thing was that I FELT that way and behaved with much more confidence than I do nowadays. :/

Anyway I'm really happy that loads of my friends actually showed up (no lie, I was terrified that only my relatives would turn up) and I managed to get round to chatting with most of them this time. I won't pretend I'm an awesome host, because honestly I was pretty shit during most occasions at my house, where I would hide in my room the whole time and come down only to wave people goodbye. One big problem I used to have was having too many different groups of friends and not being able to entertain them all sufficiently (also, I'm always afraid that they wouldn't gel together well.)

But I guess now that we're all older, people actually do get along alright, so I don't feel so bad if I leave them alone for a while, while I go greet incoming guests. >_<

One thing I DID manage to get done this holiday was to build my awesome PC!


I feel like I'm one of the few gamers who games on a laptop. -__- Now, I love my MacBook Pro although it feel like it's an absolute waste of money for the performance I got. (RMIT paid for it, so I don't feel as bad, but perhaps I should've invested in a higher end machine that was less pretty.)

But anyway, it's true that for the same price, a laptop can never perform as well as a PC.

Here are the specs for those tech junkies...I don't understand half of it. I'm a consumer who only cares about the end product; my bf's bro set up the specs for me so I wouldn't have to bother with research, and I'm very grateful for that :)

Processor: Intel Core i7 3820 3.6GHz

Motherboard: Asus X79 P9X79 (I don't think I typed that quite right, but I hope tech people will understand...why can't they give nice names to their products instead of a seemingly random string of letters and numbers??)

RAM: Kingston 8GB DDR3

HDD: WD SATA III 1TB 7200rpm (wanted SSD, but the prices are still ridiculously high D:)

Cooler: Corsair Hydro Series H100 (woo, water-cooled!)

Casing: Corsair Carbide Series 500R

Power Supply: Corsair HX 750W

Graphic Card: Asus GTX 570 1280 MB DDR5

And all these cost RM 4950, fitting snugly within the 5k budget my mom gave me *___* (Please don't tell me if I've been ripped off, I'm so happy with my present right now so don't ruin it please)

I was ecstatic that my mom agreed to get me a gaming rig for my 21st birthday instead of a classic watch like my sister. Don't get me wrong, that watch is really pretty, but I don't wear watches at all...makes my wrist look even more like a stick. Although she said that a good watch is an investment that would last a lifetime and would eventually be an heirloom passed down to my children, she said it was better that I had something that made me happy. AND YES I AM SO SO HAPPY!

I originally budgeted 3-3.5k for a high performance PC, but my mom was an angel and said I could go all out and have a 5k budget, since it was a milestone birthday and all. Thanks mom! You're the best! :D

And you know what the best part was? I STILL got something that could last a lifetime and be passed down to my children: she bought me a white gold and diamond necklace. WHAAAAAAT? I get a PC AND a timeless gift as well?

On one hand, I'm standing here, cool and composed, wiping away a tear from my eye, being super grateful for having such a generous and loving mom. On the other, I'm dancing around celebrating and going NENENIBUBU at my sister who only got a watch for her 21st.

But that is very childish of me, so please pretend you didn't read the latter part.

Anyway now I can run Diablo 3 AND Borderlands with maximum specs SIMULTANEOUSLY with at least 60 fps. *wipes tears from eyes* After gaming with 10-30 fps on every game besides CS 1.6 and the original Dota, both of which are like 10 years old,  it was truly a touching moment to see my Fraps meter read 60 fps for new games for the first time ever. (Also, it doesn't overheat after 30 minutes of play.)


I swear, my life is so sweet right now that I promise to be more grateful all the time now.

I'm thankful for having such an awesome mom. I got enough angpao from my party to just cover the catering costs, so I offered it to my mom and she refused saying that it was my present for my 21st, so I should be the one spending it. T___T

I'm thankful for having a lovely bf who puts up with all my flaws and little insane moments and manages to be patient and caring through it all.

I'm grateful for having a sister who is generous enough to let me buy any e-reader I want and charge it to her account for my birthday T___T (I haven't bought it yet, cause I'm still waiting for Amazon to release the Kindle Fire 2, and they'd better release it internationally!)

I'm grateful for having friends who came for my party although some knew they would have no other friends here, some who came from very far, some who I haven't seen in a very long time, some who had other commitments but still took the time to see me anyway.

Viv, who came and didn't complain about me leaving her alone for extended periods of time among a bunch of strangers, and helped me cut my cake (very violently XD) and took the only pictures of my birthday.

Megan, who I haven't seen since primary, showed up with her bf Dinnish despite possibilities of awkwardness due to the time that's passed since we last met.

JK, who took me and the bf out for dinner because he couldn't make it to my party due to work.

My gaming family: Josh, Helena, Alex and Zerick for carpooling and coming together from places all around the world (joking, from Subang, Klang and Cheras) and getting hopelessly lost but didn't complain about it at all

My childhood yogi friends, who came all together despite having something to do earlier in the night. 3 of them had like, 9am flights the next morning and still came despite the fact that they hadn't packed their bags at all.

And all my other friends who showed up and hung out with me, even if it was only for a very short while.

I'm thankful for all my relatives showing up and mostly managing to refrain from commenting on my height and weight (this time, at least!)

So yes, I have a lot of things to be happy about right now, the latest of which is the fact that Megan has agreed to learn driving with me. WOOOOOOOOOOO I won't be alone, sitting awkwardly with eager 16- and 17-year olds now! XD

To show how thankful I am for having a wonderful and blessed life, I'm going to tick the stuff off my list up there, beginning with cleaning out my closet and donating my clothes to people who need it. :D I'm such a hoarder and I guess it's time I learn to let go.

Well, I will, if I don't get distracted by my beautiful new PC. I can actually play the CS:GO beta now, MONTHS after receiving my beta key! I'm loving the game and its community so far, people aren't assholes like in Garena and the casual mode is everything I didn't know I wanted in the game.

Casual mode means no friendly fire, no collision and full armor + ammo + defuse kits are pre-bought, so non-competitive people like me can just focus on the fun of running around and killing people on sight. Also, there are bots to fill the game up to 5v5 by default, and you can take over a bot after you die so you don't have to sit around waiting for the next round to start!

Of course there is competitive mode as well for those who prefer to play more seriously and strategize each round. But casual works perfectly for me and hopefully people who migrate over from 1.6 can learn to take the game less seriously and learn to just have fun :)

Anyhow, I've managed to start a post with no intention of writing about games and ended up writing about it anyway. So, I'm gonna stop now and give this lengthy post a worthy end with a picture of my dog.

Bye! XD