Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am the ultimate procrastinator

Yeap. I am feeling better today so this probably won't be a depressing post (probably.)

My dearest Sam is going to Phuket for the weekend and I miss his company already :( I don't seem to appreciate it that much when he's here, but the moment he's gone I realize how much I enjoy just sitting in silence with him (with the webcam on.)

So, I was thinking about him and for no apparent reason I started imagining what our kids would look like. And nah, he's not going to freak out reading this since I'm the one with more commitment issues than he has.

So. Our kid will look something the list below, if I take the average/best features from the both of us.

- Super black hair

- Medium-big eyes with double eyelids (oh yes!)

- A medium-big sharp nose (please don't have my nose)

- Lips are debatable, since he has full lips with a very defined curve on his top lip, whereas I...have no top lip. If we had a girl I'd like her to have my doll-sized lips with his lip curvature

- Pointed/long face

- Roughly 5' 7"/8"

- Very skinny

- Smart but lazy

- Will love CS or its future equivalent and RTS/looting games

- Will speak english, chinese, cantonese, hakka and whatever dialect Sam can teach (I can only contribute english, sorry)

- LOVE animals, especially dogs

- Nasty temper (I can't imagine if the child receives his/her temper form both parents and doubles its potency...GG)

- Has no problem socializing but will probably have very few close friends in his/her lifetime

That's all I can think of at the moment. I do understand that genetics only go so far, and personality can be shaped by many other factors, so consider this an idealistic outcome from predictions based on our current personality and appearance.

...alright. I should be doing my work instead of thinking about my future offspring. Unlike many other people, I have a strong desire for my children to turn out like me, and that I can be the parent that my parents were to me.

I must have had one of the least emotionally-damaging childhoods of any person I know. Unlike Sam who had a tumultuous childhood, mine was pretty fair and consistent. Although I sometimes resented my parents as I was a child, now I realize that parents probably don't get any better than mine.

I hope that I am just as capable of instilling independence, sensibility and a strong sense of right and wrong in my children.

Of course, saying all this doesn't mean I want to or am ready to have kids any time soon. I'll probably have my first kid when I'm 30 or something. >_> I don't even like babies at the moment - they're just red, shapeless, crying, snot-filled potatoes to me right now.

When I hear about women in their mid-late 20s who experience a sudden flare-up of their maternal instincts, it scares me. I can't imagine myself cooing over babies or going crazy over toddler's clothing. -.- Even now I have a hard time handling my adorable 4-year-old niece. I mean, I really sayang her and all, but I just find it so hard to relate or communicate with kids. They're like aliens to me.

The worst thing a kid could ever ask of me is - no, not changing their diapers, though that's pretty horrific too - but "can you tell me a story? A FUNNY story?"


I have NO idea what children find funny. Sometimes (no make that EVERY SINGLE BLOODY TIME) my attempts at kids humour will fall flat on its face and I'm left feeling like an absolutely humourless moron when children just stare at me wide-eyed or with the -.- face after I tell them a 'joke'.


When my friend said she might try to get a job as a babysitter I just blanched and went "why on earth would you do that?"

She shrugged and said it was easy and it pays well.



Anyway, enough about children. Sam might think that I'm feeling very fertile and decide to make moves that would maximize my fertile potential (ie fuck me senseless) and I don't want that. Mom still says no sex before 21 and I have like...a 7-month frame of safety before I can start to think about this important decision.

ANYHOW. Before I go into oversharing territory, let me tell you some random, inane, probably uninteresting story to make you forget what I just said.

Today, Melbourne reached the scorching temperature of 32 degrees celcius - which is pretty normal in Malaysia, but pretty damn hot here (if it's not summer) and it feels even hotter when it was 20 degrees the previous day.

I woke up pretty late and felt super drowsy and lazy due to the warmth. Somehow, I convinced myself that I HAVE to go work on my assignment at uni (it's due on the 15th and I have to submit a draft before then, dammit) so I dragged myself around my house, getting ready and picking my hot weather outfit and then dragged my lazy ass out the door into the sunshine.

And I sweated. Urgh. To reward myself for getting out of the house on a hot day like this (to do assignments, no less) I decided to buy myself a giant cup of Boost juice, which naturally, involved going a looooong way (okay, 1 block) out of my way to obtain my sweet prize. Then, I went to Hungry Jacks to pick up my favourite burger before heading back to the lab to do work (and bask in some welcome air-conditioning.)

With a giant cup and burger in hand, I fumbled around for my wallet, which contained the after-hours access card that allows me entry into my building during non-academic times.

I finally coaxed the wallet out of my huge bag after some clumsy fiddling around with my full hands, and I pressed it to the scanner.

Nothing happened.

I pressed it again and again, hoping that it just failed to read the first time. Still nothing. I tried to pick the student card out of the wallet to scan it individually (maybe my wallet was too thick now) and I dropped my debit card on the floor as a girl came up behind me, wanting to get into the building.

Feeling relieved, I let her get the door as I scooped up my debit card and entered the building.

Suddenly, I a recent memory punched me in the head - my card was in my coat. Which I didn't bring today. Because it was hot.

Without the card, I couldn't gain access to my lab, which was behind 2 locked doors.


T___T I called my friends but no one was nearby to lend me their card or grant me access to their building.

I finished my burger sadly and walked home. And I sweated again. console myself on my misfortune, I sat down and played HoN.
I tried to do work after some CS. But the words wouldn't come.

So, I ended up writing this >1200 word long blog post instead of doing my assignment, which requires less than 1/3 the length of this post.


Okay. The end. No more increasing the word count of this post and making me feel even shittier.

-_- Good night.

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