Monday, August 29, 2011


The thing about most people is that they can't be trusted. If I tried to count the amount of times I've been backstabbed and gossiped about, about a million brain cells of mine would fry.

But I don't really mind. Backstabbing me is just a very malicious way to let me know that you dislike me or even hate my guts. I'd rather people be more upfront about it though, but I guess some people just dislike confrontation.

If you dislike a person, it's okay. With so many conflicting interests and beliefs, it's impossible for everyone in the world to get along and be peaceful and happy all the time. What I don't understand is how some people can hold a grudge for so bloody long.

So, someone pissed you off. Just take out your anger or forgive, then get over it. I never understood those people who can harbour resentment in their hearts for so long, and bother to make tiny little digs at you whenever the opportunity arises. I'm glad that I take up such a permanent place in your heart, however I'd rather you free up that space for something more beneficial to emotional health.

Okay, you hate someone, you let that person know, heck, make sure you let the whole world know. Then move on! There are lots of people I dislike and definitely do not trust, but I don't go out of my way to try to poison other people's perspective of them. If someone asked me, so how's 'this' person like, I'd tell them that I don't like them and exactly why I don't like them, but please go ahead and get to know them personally to judge for yourself.

Some people just make bad impressions or rub you off the wrong way, but other people may find them delightful and a pleasure to hang out with. It's not my job to decide how other people should view the person I dislike.

Another thing I don't understand is why people bother to insult each other when they have such a limited repertoire of insults. As one of my favourite vloggers, LuanLegacy said, when you're on the internet or picking a fight with a stranger, you know NOTHING about them. There's nothing personal to take a dig at, you can't say 'ohhh you're such a filthy person. I remember the time you dug your finger into your ass and then put it to your nose and took a great whiff, you disgusting motherfucker!'

Since you know nothing about them, you're just stuck with generic insults like 'ur stupid/ugly/fat bitch,' 'your mother's pussy/cunt stinks,' and 'you're a fucking retard, suck my fucking cock you fucking dog.'

Oh yay, how original. If you want to pick a fight, at least TRY to be entertaining, because god knows there's no other reason for a fight.

The other day, I was playing Mirana Wars and my opponent was getting really pissed off cause he believed I was maphacking. So he quit the game and actually took the time to private message me, cursing me out.

The funny part was, every poorly formed sentence of his was a variation of 'you motherfucking hacker, I wish your family would die in a traffic accident.' And he kept repeating it AGAIN and AGAIN without even trying to make any other point whatsoever. Needless to say, it got really boring really fast, and I said 'brb talk to you later, my game's starting' and went to play another round of Mirana Wars.

And would you believe it? I came out after my game was over, and found that he had actually continued to tell me that my family should die on the road/get run over/crash their vehicle for quite a while, although I clearly told him I wouldn't be there to respond anymore. I mean, COME ON. Has no one any creativity anymore? And most importantly...DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO?

Why spend so much time insulting me, a stranger, who obviously is not feeling insulted, and who you are not even sure is guilty of the crime you're accusing me for? Huh? And even if I WAS maphacking, what makes you think you're a better person by wishing my family would die in an accident?


Hmm? Answer that, o righteous one. If every cheater in the world died with their family in a road accident, there'd be 80% fewer assholes on Garena and a hellota blood on the road.

I really don't understand what motivates people to spew so much hatred at people. :/ Doesn't benefit you, doesn't benefit me. Extra waste of your time if the person you're trying to insult is getting amused instead of hurt.

So, moral of the story. STFU and stop whining. If you don't like someone, tell them 'I DON LYK U' and get the hell over it.

Geez! Grow up, people!

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