Saturday, September 10, 2011


The best and worst parts of playing Team Fortress 2 when you're a:

1. Scout
Best: Flying all over the place and killing a very disoriented enemy, yea!
Worst: Flying all over and getting blown off a cliff by a pyro or sentry. Boo. :(

2. Soldier
Best: Taking lotsa damage from your opponents...then taking a chunk outta them with your equalizer, yea!
Worst: Trying to blow up an annoying scout flanking you...and end up blowing yourself up. Boo. :(

3. Pyro
Best: Burning the shit outta everyone and nabbing double/triple kills with the flare gun, yea!
Worst: Getting outburned by an opposing pyro. Boo. :(

4. Demoman
Best: Blowing shit up in midair, yea!
Worst: Not blowing shit up at all. Boo :(

5. Heavy
Best: Feeling invincible like a tank, yea!
Worst: Boring, fat and slow. Boo :(

6. Engineer
Best: Moving your sentries constantly and watching opponents get pissed off. Also, teleporting the shit outta your teammates and hearing their thanks, yea!
Worst: Getting accidentally killed by my own sentry. Boo :(

7. Medic
Best: Never allowing any teammates to stay off the battlefield for long, and watching your opponents shrink under the pressure of the push. Also, when my patients line up to be healed and thank me afterwards, yea!
Worst: Demanding patients, people spamming 'MEDIC!' and patients who don't protect me/charge recklessly into 100% fatal situations as if I were the fountain of invincibility. Boo :(

8. Sniper
Best: The feeling of headshotting a scout in mid air, yea!
Worst: Getting outsniped by an opposing/getting backstabbed though YOU CHECKED 238472648726278 BLOODY TIMES FOR SPIES. BOO :(

9. Spy
Best: Chain stabbing and tricking the opponent's medic into giving you an uber, yea!
Worst: Meeting the opponent you're disguised as 874298742 times in a row. Boo :(

This is from personal experience of course. I'm sure everyone has a best/worst moment of their own. :)

Anyway, this game is the shit and after quitting for a long time, I'm getting into it again. I certainly need a break from the rude/retarded ahbengs of DotA.

My favourite classes are the medic, engineer and pyro. Medic is one of the most important characters but sadly, lots of people don't like using it cause you 'can't own with a medic.'

Rubbish! Medic is awesome. Only if your teammates are as awesome as you are, though. I remember back when I played with the aussies there was this guy who was a fantastic demoman. I'd seek him out whenever my uber was charged and we'd go on pawning sprees together. I remember there was once I teamed up with another medic and unleashed a double uber push.

The opponents were crushed so badly they couldn't even leave their supply closet LOL. Their 2 sentries got mowed down in less than 5 seconds. Hilarious.

A few days ago, I was playing medic and suddenly 4 people rushed up to me screaming MEDIC! As I started healing one, I was very amused to find that the other 3 had formed a queue behind and were patiently waiting their turn. AHAHA and all them thanked me before they left. Why don't we get manners like these in DotA or CS? Incoming racist statement: Sometimes I feel only the angmohs appreciate their support...most asian guys have this 'killkillkill' mindset where they just go for the frags and glory, and ignore everything and everyone else. >__> *yawn* Selfish.

Engineer is also a very fun class to play, if you have like-minded engineer teammates. And when I say this, I don't mean turtling, cause turtling is for newbssss (unless the circumstances really call for it.) My greatest memory of playing engie was with a great teammate in Mountain Lab who seemed to enjoy the element of surprise.

We helped each other build up our structures quickly. He dropped an entrance teleporter right outside the supply closet and I dropped and exit. Quickly, we built up our level 3 sentries, covering each other. When the opponents came, they had no clue how to push. Every 2 minutes, we'd pick up our turrets and put them in a new location. It was hilarious to see an uber couple rush in and look at the wrong direction, wasting precious time. By the time they realize that the turrets have moved (again,) a competent pyro would have rushed in and separated them already.

We wreaked so much havoc that we were able to push back into Blu's base although we were defending. XD Great times.

Pyro is just fun for burning people. Even if I don't kill it's ok. Seeing people on fire and screaming for a medic is joy enough for me. Seeing people run and thinking they've escaped, only to be hit and killed by my flare gun - HAHA! Loves it.

Anyhow, my least favourite classes are the Heavy and Sniper simply because they're so PASSIVE. You can't really be an aggressive sniper unless you're as good as one of my aussie friends. He uses the crossbow and can actually push an enemy back, not just defend. Fearless and accurate. Geez.

The heavy I dislike because he walks so slowly when he's attacking. I love running around and he just pisses me off. He's basically a wall of bullets with skin like steel (if there's a medic behind him.) God knows I've been medic to many a great heavy (probably due to my ratio of time spent being a medic) and it's fun to rack up points and getting achievements by just dodging bullets during a push and tanking bullets during an uber.

But I've been medic to equally bad heavies and I just facepalm. There was once I ubered a heavy in front of so many opponents. I tanked all the knockback from the sentries and he was at a loss, not knowing who to shoot first. So he just started spraying at ALL of them, completely ignoring the sentry. 8 seconds of uber later, no opponents were dead and I fled, leaving him to face the sentry alone because he was also dumb enough to not know when to retreat. God knows a medic's life is more important than a shitty heavy's. LOL. Not taking down the sentry first...*faceroll*

I also rarely play demoman cause I'm absolute shit at him. I have NO idea how a demo should be played. I always have the urge to spam grenades and I have next to no ammo. -o- No fun at all. I know it's really fun if you're a kickass demo (note my friend above has gotten a 15+ kill streak with the double uber, and only because the opponent's couldn't respawn fast enough for him to make go boom!) But sadly, I suck, so I don't enjoy him at all :(

Mmmm I want the cute pyro alien hat and googly eyes *__*

Okay time to recharge for more gaming tomorrow :D


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