Plans. I dislike contradicting plans, to say the least.
Was asked out by a friend to go clubbing tonight, but out of respect for my boyfriend's wishes, I said no. With a lame excuse to boot. No money? Hahaaaa. Of course I have money -___- I worked for a month in Melbourne, earning rm400+ a day...I laughed bitterly in my mind as I said it aloud over the phone.
Then Viv said I could follow her instead, then Sam probably won't feel so threatened or worried. Then I realised that wouldn't be appropriate, given that I just rejected my other buddy. What if I bumped into him there? "Oh sorry I decided to come after all. With someone else." ^__^ *nervous laugh*
Also, I wasn't willing to invest more than a 100 bucks for an event that I'm not particularly interested in. So my 'no money' excuse wasn't complete money allocated for these kinds of events would be closer to the truth.
So anyway I lied and I lied and I lied.
And due to unforeseen circumstances (overdosed on drugs! HAHA no, just took too big a dose of cough medicine), my dinner date with my boy was cancelled. And I just cancelled dinner with my extended family...
Ha. Ha ha haaaaa. All these plans, and nothing worked out in the end. :(
No dinner, no date, no clubbing. *sniffs morosely*
I'm not blaming anyone, but it IS very disappointing when things don't go the way you plan.
The worst part is always the lying. The little white lies you say to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
Sigh. But I love my boyfriend enough to do it for him. I already know he feels extremely uneasy when I go clubbing with my girlfriends; going with a another guy without him (even if they know each other) would be toeing the line.
I wish I could split myself into more copies so I could spend time with everyone without offending anyone else. :)
This is not the first time it's happened. :/ There was a night where I had 4 different parties inviting me to go gaming with them. DotA, drafting, L4D2, CS...I turned down a few of them to go with another group.
Then they cancelled on me. Or they postponed it. And the other people had already gone on without me, or went to sleep.
And I ended up alone the whole night.
-__________- Sigh.
And bee, if you're reading this - and I know you are - please don't feel guilty or offended (or both.) I'm just pouting cause I can't have my way all the time. I'm spoilt like that :p
Oh, Sam just called and he's heading over to take me out for late dinner after all. ^__^
I guess someone up there doesn't want me lonesome tonight. ^_____^
Thank you! (Now I feel guilty for pouting and ranting.)
Ha. :D
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