I am resistant to them.
I discovered that when I took Panadol a couple of times when I was younger...and absolutely nothing happened. I needed 2 external anaesthetics and 4 injections to extract ONE premolar. Oh, how I envy all you all who can just pop a pill and chill when you're sick.
Just now I had one of the most agonizing migraines in my life. I was literally rendered immobile in my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks. What a pathetic sight to be seen - the girl who got a chunk of flesh torn off her body when she was 13 and didn't cry...has now become a sniffling pile of helplessness because of a headache.
A severe headache that managed to cripple me. -__- The white-hot pain, hammering behind my eyes and making my whole head throb...oh god.
I had my boyfriend shut off all the lights and the music. Even the sound of the fan was jarring. Sam said my body was ice cold, but I was sweating and feeling like I was going to spontaneously combust.
So I popped a Tylenol as the Nurofen that I brought back from Australia was nowhere to be found. 30 minutes later...
Nothing. Still in agony.
I passed out and slept for roughly an hour, according to Sam. I woke up painless and happy...only to be hit by the same headache within 20 minutes.
Wtf? Give me a break man. I wish I knew where the Nurofen was. I haven't tried it before, but I heard it's one of the most powerful painkillers in Aussie. I gave one to my friend last time when she had cramps, and she was high as a kite for the next couple of hours - laughing, joking and smiling like candy was raining from the sky.
My boss said if you take two you'd be knocked out cold for the day - totally unwakeable.
Sounds like just what I need.
Anyway, I went to Mist for the first time last night.
I ran into my boyfriend's little sister. She asked me whether I brought him along and when I replied no, she asked if he knew I was there.
Ha! I have the most accepting boyfriend on earth. Given, we used to disagree about clubbing a lot, but now he has finally come to accept that whatever he says or does won't stop me from going.
I mean, I'm no party girl. I club an average of 2.5 times a year. I just enjoy the music and dancing like I was spsastic. Oh trust me, you would laugh seeing me 'dance.' I only dance with girls and I can probably hold 5 times the amount of liquor that he can. (HEEHEE.)
So you see there's nothing much to worry about. :3
Anyway, the guys who picked us up yesterday were perfect gentlemen. They didn't force us to drink, never laid a finger on either of us and waited outside the gate until we were both safely inside the house.
How many guys are like that nowadays? It's such a far cry from the times I went clubbing where they tried to dance with me, molest my hair (HAHA) and get my number, but did nothing when I fell down the stairs. >__> Men. Fail.
Anyway Mist was alright. Maybe I set my expectations too high or maybe I didn't get high enough (I took 3 courtesy sips of Smirnoff-Sprite) but the music was really screwed up. They played some nice songs and then suddenly played a couple of monotonous shitty trance tracks.
Not that trance is shitty, but the trance tracks that they played were shitty - for the atmosphere anyway. At some points, NONE of the girls on stage were dancing. They were just kind of shuffling from side to side dispiritedly. :S
Awkward much?
And when they brought out the dancers, I couldn't stop laughing. It was a theme night last night - it must've been sleepover or something cause the dancers came out with CURLERS in their hair. LOL.
Then the second round they danced with shower caps on their head. The third time, they were in LINGERIE. By this time, almost the whole crowd was barely moving, just staring at boobs and ass.
Which doesn't make any sense.
I mean, you bathe THEN curl your hair and go to sleep right? So it should've been shower cap - curlers - lingerie.
By why would you wear lingerie to bed unless you were gonna have a FUN FUN night. And if so, WHY WOULD YOU WEAR CURLERS TO FUCK YOUR BOY?
Epic turn off!
Okay, so I'm kind of missing the point here. Sorry. It's the female brain. If I were a guy my train of thought would probably be more like:
Or something along those lines la. But the guys were nice enough to whisper to me that they looked like ah guas. Ahahaha damn funny la. Then we were dancing in a square and the guy next to me was singing/rapping along to the songs and it was HILARIOUS cause he had a SUPER DUPER ah beng accent.
HAHAHAHAHA. They were playing the BEP song...Time of My Life (Dirty Bit.)
So we were all singing...I...haaaaaaaaaad the time of my liiiiiiiife...etcetc.
And then when it was time, the guy went DIRTY BIT!
Only he said DUHDY BEET.
OMG WTF. I wanted to laugh so badly but then they would probably ask me what's up and it would be rude to laugh at our hosts. :o
Bless the ah bengs la. Some of them are so cute ^__^
Argh. I feel my headache returning. Going to wash up and sleep now. Sleep is the only tranquillizer that works for me :)
You should try it sometime, instead of pharmaceutical drugs. :D
Bring me to MIST next time!! =D
n wth, why 2.5 times? 0.5 being wasted half way ah? haha.
Sureeee :p But got other nicer clubs gua. 2.5 times = average of 5 times every 2 years la! Haha
ya la, i figured that out but have to round up or down wtv haha.
eh, the neurofen damn popular in uk as well. all my friends say it works. should be able to find in msia pharmacies as well. take careee!!
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